Sunday, February 10, 2008

Free Seed Offers

I have found several offers for free seeds. I am not including any that require you to pay something. I will include those that ask for a SASE.

Seeds- This organization give you free seeds expecting you to share the extras of your garden with the less fortunate. Please only request the seeds if you will do that. If you are not sure who the less fortunate are, ask at a local church.

Free Seeds For Kids- Kids will need to write the request themselves, and you will need to send the request via snail mail including stamps for return postage. International orders must be accompanied by $1. for airmail postage.

Tomato Seeds- Order by snail mail and send SASE. This is an individual offering the seeds, so please be considerate and only order if you plan to use them.

4 0'clock seeds-Free, send SASE.

Seeds- 6 free packs of seeds, send SASE.

Seeds- Free seeds for commenting on the blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing these opportunities to our notice!